  • Buzz Safety Health and Safety Training Yorkshire


Bespoke Training

At Buzz Safety we believe strongly in the benefit of training employees to understand the hazards and risks associated with your business and the organisational specific arrangements that you have in place to deal with them.

Our training courses are written specifically for your organisation and delivered in whatever method suits you best.

Recently delivered courses include:-

  • Risk AssessmentDelivered in person in a classroom setting for a children's charity
  • Health and Safety InductionDelivered by pre-recorded Powerpoint presentation for a high school
  • Health and Safety AwarenessDelivered live online for a plant hire firm
Health and Safety Consultant Yorkshire

Buzz Health and Safety Training

If you cannot find the health and safety training you require above, Buzz Safety can write and tailor health and safety courses to meet your needs.

On successful completion of the course, delegates will be presented with a Buzz Safety Training Attendance Certificate.

Ready to
Talk Safety?

Need to talk through a specific health and safety challenge, or ready to take the next step? Get in touch! 
Ready to Talk (#3)
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